If you own a home in the Fort Payne, AL area or elsewhere in Alabama, you might be hearing more about the need for flood insurance in the state. At Attain Insurance, we believe you should understand why you might want to consider flood insurance in Alabama.
Homeowners Realize They Lack Coverage
Many homeowners are discovering that their standard homeowner’s insurance policies do not include coverage for flood damage. Protection against flooding must be secured under separate coverage.
Weather is Becoming More Severe
Storms are becoming more frequent and severe, particularly in the state’s southern half.
Homes are Being Built in Flood-Prone Areas
Residential and commercial developments are expanding into previously undesirable areas that are increasingly prone to flooding. This is raising the risks for homeowners and existing neighborhoods in the area.
Homeowners Seek Value
More homeowners are seeking value from their insurance, and flood insurance provides that. Flood damage can be devastating; flood insurance helps reconcile protection and value.
Plan Ahead for Coverage
You can’t simply decide to acquire flood insurance after seeing a rainy forecast. Applying for flood insurance can take some time, and there is generally a 30-day waiting period before it goes into effect. Be prepared and apply in advance.
Contact Us for Assistance
If you’re in the Fort Payne, AL area and interested in learning more about flood insurance, contact us at Attain Insurance. We can answer your questions and help you get a quote for coverage. Reach out to us today.