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Attain Insurance

611 Gault ave S
Fort Payne, AL 35967

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Ways to Give Back

Residents of Fort Payne, AL can give back to their communities in many ways. There are others out there suffering, both human beings and furry friends, who are unable to help themselves. You’ll not only bring something special to them when you give back to your community, but you’ll also receive a sense of pride and accomplishment for your good deed. 

1. The Animal Shelter

Not everyone in need walks on two legs. There are plenty of homeless, and sometimes injured or sick, pets who need loving. Adopt or foster an animal. You’re giving that precious pup or cute cat a second chance. If you’re not willing to take care of a pet, make a charitable donation of money or items to the rescue center. 

2. Volunteer at a Nursing Home

The staff at a nursing home is oftentimes too busy caring for the patients to be able to actually spend quality time with them. Volunteer at the nursing home to play games, sing or do an activity with them. Just coming in to talk with the patients is enough. They appreciate it greatly. 

3. Provide Food 

Donate to a family who is unable to afford the necessities. Food banks are always looking for donations of non-perishable items and take items like shampoo, toothpaste and other toiletries as well. Churches and food banks take donations of this nature. You can use the site to find a family to help. 

4. Volunteer for the National Coalition for the Homeless

The National Coalition for the Homeless and other similar organizations are always in need of volunteers to help with the construction of homes for those who do not have one. They also do job training programs and need volunteers to assist in shelters. 

Contact Attain Insurance at 256-845-8979 today to hire a local agent who also cares about the community. 

Why You Should Avoid Road Rage This Spring

With spring upon us, you can expect more people will be out and about. The roadways will become congested with traffic, especially on the weekends. Our team at Attain Insurance, wants you to be safe this spring and year round, by avoiding road rage.

Spring Brings Increased Risk of Accidents

Spring will usher in a lot of outdoor activity for your family and others. With more cars on the road, there is a greater risk that you could be in an accident. If you couple traffic congestion with road rage, then you increase the chances of an auto accident greatly. Instead of putting your life at risk, drive slower with more courtesy for other drivers who share the road with you.

Spring Means an Increased Number of Slower Drivers

In addition to warmer weather, you can count on slower drivers in the spring. When the weather warms, gas prices increase, which means more people will start conserving gas by driving slower. In order to avoid accidents and prepare for slower drivers, you should plan your routes in advance so that you aren’t running late and at the mercy of a slower driver.

Spring Is a Time for Renewal and Happiness

When spring the rain showers bring beautiful flowers of different sorts. In fact, you can consider spring as the season of renewal and happiness. As a result of that, you don’t want to negatively impact what spring means to family and loved ones by getting into an accident; therefore, you should drive safely and breathe in the fresh air that spring brings while behind the wheel.

At Attain Insurance, we want this spring to be a safe spring for you and everyone else. If you have questions about how to make your driving experience safer, we are ready to answer you questions.



When the Left Side is the Right Side

An enjoyable part of traveling to a new country is taking a car for a pleasant afternoon ride out in the countryside. Navigating the roads might be a challenge. Following the directions, the traffic rules, and the confusing signs is not easy.

Luckily, there are GPS global locator systems with information is available in multiple languages. These systems tell you were to turn, which exit to take, and where to get off the road in the language you understand. For international drivers it is always a good idea to get an International Driving Permit (IDP). This is only a translation of your legal driver’s license. Nevertheless, with this and your passport, the police may treat you more nicely.

Reverse Driving

There are a few countries in the world where they decided to drive on the left instead of on the right sides of the road. The biggest ones are Japan, Hong Kong (now part of China), and Great Britain. You will find this left-handed driving skill in South Africa as well. Most of the places that have left-handed driving were at one time under the influence of Great Britain.

When Britannia ruled the seas, they also ruled the roads of the countries they conquered. This is why people who speak English in India have somewhat of a British Accent.

Reverse Driver Position

It is not only the rules of the road that are different in the left-handed driving countries. It also includes the position of the driver, which is on the opposite side. In American cars, the driver enters on the left side. In cars made for Britain, the driver enters on the right side.

Driving in another country is almost like learning how to drive again. Left-handed driving is like a mirror image of right-handed driving. It is very easy to make a mistake. This is why it is a superb idea to get foreign car insurance coverage from your trusted insurance agent at Attain Insurance in the USA. Attain Insurance provides auto insurance coverage for driving abroad

How Does Auto Insurance Handle Hit & Runs?

Hit and runs are very unique. It is when a driver is involved in an accident and then drives off before the police arrived and before any insurance information is exchanged. If there is a hit and run, you need to know how insurance is handled so that you can ensure sufficient coverage is in place on your policy in Alabama.

There are various types of coverage that you can add to your policy that can help to provide financial protection in the event of a hit and run. Without the police being able to inspect the other car, it may be difficult to establish who was at fault. This means you want to make sure that property damage and personal injuries are taken care of, no matter what.

Collision coverage is important to have – and it may even be required by the lien holder of your car loan or lease. It’s going to take care of repairs to your vehicle, regardless of whether you get a car or a car hit you.

Uninsured motorist coverage is also available. You can purchase both bodily injury and property damage coverage and there are various limits. The more coverage you have, the less likely chance there is of you having to pay out-of-pocket. Bodily injury could cover medical bills and lost wages for you as well as passengers while property damage can help to repair your car as well as any other property that may have been damaged.

Finally, you will want to look at personal injury protection. This provides no-fault coverage for you and your passengers in regards to medical bills. Child care costs may also be included, along with lost wages.

You want to drive around with peace of mind in Fort Payne. By contacting one of our insurance agents at Attain Insurance, we can help you to find the best quotes as well as the most coverage.


Take Care of These Fall Auto Maintenance Items

Alabama isn’t known for its treacherous winters, but the winter months can still be tough on cars in Fort Payne, AL. If you’ve let auto maintenance slide over the summer, the fall is a great time to take care of your car. At Attain Insurance, we’ve collected a short list of items to check this fall. Taking a moment or two to make sure your car’s properly cared for will help it run well when cold weather comes.

Fall Auto Maintenance Items

Most drivers in Fort Payne don’t install winter tires and winter wipers on their cars, but it’s still a good idea to check these and take care of other basic maintenance items in the fall. As school resumes and schedules calm down from summer, this is the time of year that most drivers are finally able to take care of their cars. Specific things to do include the following:

  • have your car’s tires rotated and it’s oil changed
  • change your car’s windshield wipers if they’re smearing
  • check your car’s emergency kit

If you don’t have an emergency kit in your car, now’s the perfect time to make one. Put together some water, food, a flashlight and blanket, just in case you break down.

Auto Insurance Coverage

Now is also a good time of year to review your auto insurance coverage. For help reviewing your current coverage or looking for new coverages, contact us at Attain Insurance. Our insurance agents understand that your insurance needs change from time to time, and they’ll help you get coverage that makes sense for your current situation. To get in touch with them, send us a request through our website.