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Attain Insurance

611 Gault ave S
Fort Payne, AL 35967

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Protect Your Condo from Disasters

Many people believe that they do not need condo insurance because they don’t have a mortgage. They think that their condo’s association policy will cover damages if there is a problem. Attain Insurance in Fort Payne, AL can give you advice about understanding how you can protect your condo from a disaster.

Association Policies

Many condos have their own policy. These policies protect the buildings’ structure, so if the building you were living in were completely demolished, the association could cover your loss. Association policies usually do not cover your belongings, appliances, or furniture. You’ll need to have condo insurance to protect you in case something happens to your home.

Condo Insurance

Although it can happen, a building is rarely completely destroyed. It is up to you to acquire the appropriate amount of coverage for your property and belongings.

  • Liability Insurance – if a person is injured on your property, they could file a lawsuit if they feel that you are liable for their injuries. Liability insurance could protect you from having to pay out thousands of dollars for medical costs, lawyer’s fees, and rehabilitation expenses.
  • Personal Property – your property could be covered against such disasters as theft, vandalism, and fires. Without this coverage, you may not be able to replace your clothing, furniture, appliances, or jewelry.
  • Building Property – although the walls and buildings’ structure are usually covered under your condo association’s policy, it normally doesn’t cover the inside walls that hold fixtures and built-in bookshelves.

If you decide to purchase a condo in Fort Payne, AL, stop by Attain Insurance. Their independent insurance agents can help you discover the type of condo insurance you’ll need to stay protected in your home. They can also get you started with auto, life, and commercial insurance as well.

Does Commercial Insurance Cover Damage Caused by Weather in Fort Payne, AL?

Commercial property owners in the Fort Payne, AL area can contact the agents of Attain Insurance if they have any questions concerning weather damage and if it is covered by their commercial insurance policy. There are several aspects that must be considered when it comes to buying commercial or business insurance. They include liability, property damage, Worker’s Compensation, and many other types of insurance that are designed to protect the business owner from sustaining extensive financial losses if an accident or emergency happens. While many businesses can go several years without the slightest glitch, it only takes one strong storm to significantly damage a building and cause extensive loss.

Depending on the circumstances, most types of weather damage are covered under a commercial policy that covers property damage. If a building has been properly maintained and receives damage from high winds, large hail or wind-driven rain, the damages will be covered once the deductible has been paid. In most cases, the larger the premium paid on the policy, the lower the deductible. If a person chooses to pay a lower premium, the deductible will be higher. If the business owner expects to have weather damage covered, they need to make sure their policy covers property damage caused by certain natural events. Flood insurance is often added separately as its own distinct policy.

In Fort Payne, AL, business owners need to be able to talk to a reliable insurance agent if they have questions concerning commercial insurance and property damage coverage. Call the agents at Attain Insurance and have your current commercial policy reviewed and brought up to date to ensure you have the amount of coverage you need to protect your business and your livelihood. 

Who Can Benefit from Business Interruption Coverage?

Most business owners recognize the importance of obtaining insurance coverage to protect their company against liability claims, property damage and injuries to their employees. However, many neglect to include the protection that business interruption insurance has to offer. Business interruption coverage can help save a company from financial ruin in the event it had to shut down temporarily due to an unexpected accident or disaster.  

Importance of Business Interruption Coverage

Whether your business manufactures and sells a product or offers valuable services to the public, business interruption insurance is a must to protect your assets. If your business premises had to close down due to damage from a storm, business interruption coverage can protect you from financial loss as you make repairs.   

Closing a business due to natural disaster, fire, accident or other calamity can be a tremendous setback for a business owner. In addition to losing income from lack of sales, temporary closure can stunt your company’s growth and prompt customers to switch to your competition.

Business interruption insurance covers lost income and operating expenses of your business during the time it’s closed to help compensate for these losses. This compensation can help you stay on your feet until you can reopen your business. By including business interruption coverage in your insurance package, you can be fully prepared for any eventuality that interferes with your business.

Who Can Benefit from Business Interruption Coverage?

Business interruption coverage can benefit most any small business in Alabama that faces the risk of closing temporarily due to a sudden or unexpected crisis. By calling or visiting one of our agents at Attain Insurance, you can get a better understanding of what this coverage has to offer. We can help you customize your business interruption coverage to suit your specific business needs. 


Why Attain Insurance for Your RV in Fort Payne, AL?

Why should anyone attain insurance for their recreational vehicle or RV in Fort Payne, AL? Well, the state of Alabama is known for having a ton of RV parks and resorts – 110 of them to be precise. It also happens to be the state with the highest number of RV purchases and this number is continuing to grow every day. As you can probably tell, RVs are quite common in the state of Alabama. As a result, it is not only important to protect your investment in your RV, but it also happens to be a legal requirement to attain insurance for your RV.

What exactly are you protecting your RV against to justify attaining insurance for it? Well, the risks are very similar to those associated with owning or driving a car. These obviously include bad weather, accidents, vandalization, or even theft. Similar to car insurance, your RV insurance offers many levels of coverage such as liability, collision, and comprehensive insurance. The bare legal requirement for RV drivers is liability insurance, which protects you against any bodily damage or property damage that was caused by you if and when you are ever involved in an accident. However, it is important to realize that additional coverage may be available to protect your belongings as well as other things when you are using your RV as a home.

When asking yourself whether why you would need to attain insurance for you RV, just remember that it’s a legal requirement in the state of Alabama, just like any other vehicle on the road. It also provides tons of additional coverage. For more information, feel free to contact us with any questions that you may have about attaining insurance for your RV.

Home Insurance Does Not Include Flood Insurance

Let’s talk about the real chance of having flood damage. Attain Insurance wants to remind everyone in the Fort Payne, Alabama area that flood insurance is a separate insurance policy that every homeowner needs on top of any basic home insurance policy.

Not everyone home is in the U.S Federal flood zone. Most mortgage lenders will not agree that the homeowner insurance is adequate unless there also is an additional insurance policy that provides flood insurance for homes located in the 100-year flood zone.

Sometimes an extra flood insurance policy is better even if not required as part of the closing process of getting federal-backed or federally-insured loan.

  • Flood Insurance is Always a Good Idea – It does not matter if only the mortgage lender requires this flood insurance coverage.
  • Perceived Risk – The difference is the perceived risk based on the 100- year flood plan.
  • Old Statistics are Not Reliable – Getting flood insurance is based on a statistical choice and not necessarily an accurate one.

Some people do not realize that regular home insurance, which covers such things as theft, fire, and property damage, does not cover damage caused by floods. Flood insurance is a separate insurance policy, which everyone needs to consider, even if not required by the mortgage loan.

Contact Attain Insurance today, so that a competent insurance agent can give you fantastic advice about your existing policy or a new home insurance policy plus a flood insurance policy that you are considering.

Attain Insurance is the “go-to” insurance agency in Fort Payne, Alabama and the surrounding areas to get the best deal and to be sure you have adequate home insurance coverage to protect your property, the valuable assets, and the people who live there.

Contact Attain Insurance today for all your home insurance needs,

Why Your Entire Family Should Have Life Insurance

Life insurance is a touchy subject for most people. Although many people see the value of having a life insurance policy, having a conversation about their death isn’t a priority to them. If you are like most people, delaying a conversation about life insurance can be a costly financial mistake. In fact, if you aren’t having the conversation about taking care of your final expenses, then it’s likely you haven’t considered what you would do in the event of the demise of other members of your family. Both conversations are necessary to secure a life insurance for your entire family.

Americans Aren’t Saving

Life insurance is a financial contract between you and your insurance provider. In the event of your demise, your life insurance provider will likely help your family cover the cost of your final expenses. It’s important for you to take steps now to ensure your family has the financial means to pay off debts you leave behind. In this day and age, life insurance is likely the best option to do so. In a recent survey conducted by MarketWatch in 2015, they discovered that only 62% of Americans had less than $1,000 in their savings account. With such little savings, and no life insurance, how would you cover your final expenses? How would you cover the final expenses of other family members?

Final Expenses Are Increasing

The Federal Trade Commission includes basic service fees, the cost of the funeral home’s staff, charges for the services, and cash advances as final expensive costs. Beyond that, you may consider the cost of medical bills as well. In fact, the median cost of a funeral per the National Funeral Director Association is $8,508 for 2014, an increase of nearly 30% from 2004. With the cost of funerals increasing and no savings, how will you cover the cost of a funeral?

Although it’s difficult to consider your death, and harder to consider the death of a child, you want to make sure you aren’t financially strapped if the unthinkable happens. At Attain Insurance, we offer a variety of life insurance policies you can choose between for your entire family. Our licensed life insurance agents can give you a quote for a policy that covers your entire family. Give us a call today, or visit our website for more information.

Safety Tips for First-Time ATV Owners

So you’ve just purchased your very own All-Terrain Vehicle. You probably can’t wait to get outside and hit the backcountry roads. But before you do, keep in mind that ATVs are powerful machines that can be quite the handful for first-time riders. That’s why Attain Insurance has put together a list of tips to help keep you safe while you’re riding your ATV. 

Wear Protective Gear 

Before you head out for your ride, make sure you’re wearing the appropriate safety gear. At the very least you should wear a helmet, goggles, over-the-ankle boots, gloves, long pants and a long-sleeved shirt or jacket. For added protection, we recommend adding shin pads, a chest protector, and wrist and knee guards to your list. 

Practice, Practice, Practice

You’ll need to get used to the feel of riding your ATV before you hit the trails. Start out by practicing on a level surface, such as an open field, to get your feet wet. As you become more comfortable on your ATV, you can start trying out basic trails and, eventually, more challenging ones. 

Keep Children Off Adult ATVs

Not all ATVs are created equal. ATVs marketed at adults have much more power than the models aimed at youth riders. For this reason, children should never be riding an adult ATV. According to the Consumer Product Safety Commission, more than 90 percent of ATV-related injuries involving children are a result of children being unable to handle the faster, more powerful adult ATVs. 

Don’t Ignore the Passenger Limit

When your ATV says it’s for single riders, it means it. You should be the only person riding a single-passenger ATV. Because these vehicles are made for interactive riding, you’ll need to be able to shift your weight freely to control it. When you have a passenger riding with you, he or she could inhibit your ability to maneuver the ATV, causing you to roll over and crash. 

Get Insured

Your ATV is an investment, and like any other investment, you want to make sure it’s protected. That’s why getting your ATV insured is a must. If you need an insurance policy for your new ATV, give Attain Insurance a call. We serve the greater Fort Payne, Alabama, area and would be happy to go over your options and find an insurance policy that works for you. Call us at 256-845-8979 or visit our website at for more information. 

Ways to Give Back

Residents of Fort Payne, AL can give back to their communities in many ways. There are others out there suffering, both human beings and furry friends, who are unable to help themselves. You’ll not only bring something special to them when you give back to your community, but you’ll also receive a sense of pride and accomplishment for your good deed. 

1. The Animal Shelter

Not everyone in need walks on two legs. There are plenty of homeless, and sometimes injured or sick, pets who need loving. Adopt or foster an animal. You’re giving that precious pup or cute cat a second chance. If you’re not willing to take care of a pet, make a charitable donation of money or items to the rescue center. 

2. Volunteer at a Nursing Home

The staff at a nursing home is oftentimes too busy caring for the patients to be able to actually spend quality time with them. Volunteer at the nursing home to play games, sing or do an activity with them. Just coming in to talk with the patients is enough. They appreciate it greatly. 

3. Provide Food 

Donate to a family who is unable to afford the necessities. Food banks are always looking for donations of non-perishable items and take items like shampoo, toothpaste and other toiletries as well. Churches and food banks take donations of this nature. You can use the site to find a family to help. 

4. Volunteer for the National Coalition for the Homeless

The National Coalition for the Homeless and other similar organizations are always in need of volunteers to help with the construction of homes for those who do not have one. They also do job training programs and need volunteers to assist in shelters. 

Contact Attain Insurance at 256-845-8979 today to hire a local agent who also cares about the community.