Residents of Fort Payne, AL may not see a lot of heavy snowfall, but when it does come, it can throw them for a bit of a loop. The worst snowstorms in the state often create dangerous damage to a home. We at Attain Insurance have seen the following types of damage seriously impact our client’s home during a heavy snowfall.
Damage To Windows And Doors
Snowfall is often accompanied by ice buildup, and this buildup can easily collect on windows and door. As the temperature continues to drop, this will cause an expansion in the ice that can seriously damage windows and doors. One common problem is when ice hits windows that are heavily warmed from the inside: cracks and other damage can occur due to the temperature change.
Snow Can Collect On Roofs
During heavy snowfalls, snow will collect on a roof and put excessive weight on its surface. This weight will start to cause a strain on the roof that may cause it to buckle under the pressure. Collapsing roofs are possible in very heavy snowstorms, but are typically only a problem when the roof has been damaged by years of heavy snowfall.
Falling Trees And Power Lines
As snow collects on power lines and trees, they begin to strain under the pressure. Eventually they are likely to collapse, depending on the severity of the storm. A collapsing tree could fall on your home or even your car and cause serious damage. Falling power lines will not only take out your home’s power, but could cause a fire that could ravage your home quickly.
Protecting your home against this type of damage requires purchasing high-quality insurance from a company like us. At Attain Insurance, we can help you identify good insurance coverage and help find you a policy that works for your needs.