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Attain Insurance

611 Gault ave S
Fort Payne, AL 35967

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Protecting a classic car that’s in storage

Attain Insurance is here for the greater Fort Payne, AL area. If you have questions about insurance, we are here to answer them. Our team understands that classic cars represent a significant investment. We can help you find an insurance policy that provides appropriate protection. Contact us today to learn more!

Protect your classic car wherever it is

Did you know that your insurance needs can sometimes differ depending on where your classic car is stored? Some policies provide different protection depending on whether your classic car is kept at your home or housed at an off-site storage unit. 

There can be possible gaps in protection if your policy is not geared toward the actualities of your life. Make sure that your classic car is protected wherever you choose to store it. An experienced agent can help you determine which policy is right for you based on this type of specific detail.

Other considerations affecting your insurance are how often and how far you drive the vehicle. If your classic car remains in storage most of the time and comes out when you travel to classic car shows, your insurance needs could differ from someone who likes to take their classic vehicle on weekly drives. However you use your car, be sure it is well protected with an appropriate classic car policy. 

Make sure your classic car has the proper protection

Fort Payne, AL residents can turn to the Attain Insurance team for all their insurance needs. If you want to review your classic car insurance policy to ensure it provides the protection you want, we are here to help. Give us a call or stop by our office today. 

Five Factors that influence life insurance in Fort Payne, AL

Attain Insurance wants to take the mystery out of life insurance. There are many misconceptions about how life insurance premiums are calculated. While this can lead to confusion, Attain Insurance strives to simplify the process. 

While there are many factors to consider, our agency wants to share five common demographic indicators that impact life insurance.

Policy type

Term limits and policy length directly influence premiums and payouts the most. Because of guaranteed death benefits, permanent life insurance policies are more expensive than term life.


Life insurance costs more as you age. Younger individuals are expected to live longer, which means more time to pay for premiums. That’s why it’s essential to lock in rates early. 


Also, due to longer life expectancies, women typically pay lower rates when compared to men. On average, women in the U.S. live five years longer.

Medical History

Insurers will screen for any medical red flags. Pre-existing conditions or chronic diseases will increase premiums. Or, these ailments could disqualify you from coverage altogether.

Family History

It’s not just your medical history that will be examined. Even if you are currently healthy, a pattern of illness in your family can produce the same results. Underwriters must evaluate the likelihood of you developing these same problems later in life.


Some jobs carry added danger. But insurers will look at how you spend your free time too. High-risk hobbies and behaviors will be reviewed. While this is a broad category, this includes your financial history, criminal record, overseas travel, tobacco use, or even your driving record.

Find an agent serving Fort Payne, AL.

Attain Insurance is more than just a great resource. In addition to this helpful information, their experienced agents can provide a personalized life insurance policy. Schedule an appointment today.

How To Respond When Your Business is Defamed Online

Social media sites are an essential tool for promoting your business and brand. However, this can also be dangerous if you don’t know how to respond when people post negative comments about you. You probably think that there’s nothing you can do about it, but think again. Here is your guide to handling online slander, brought to you by Attain Insurance of Fort Payne, AL.

Stay Calm

This simple but essential step will help you deal with defamation. You should never engage with fury or upset when you receive negative comments about your business online. This is highly unprofessional, and if you get caught up in the moment, you may respond in a way that causes more harm than good to your brand.

Create a Response Plan

You want to be ready to respond. If you’re caught off guard, it’s easy to say something you regret. So, write out a response plan. In your project, you want to consider how you will respond to the comment. Be as specific as possible. Think about what you’re going to say. Write it down. Read it a few times and even ask someone you trust what they think about the tone of your reply. Hopefully, you’ll be able to work things out with some collected, professional engagement. If not…

Seek Legal Counsel

Sometimes you can’t save your reputation on your own. In these cases, you’ll want to hire an attorney specializing in defamation cases. They will be able to help you file a lawsuit. If you win, the court will order that the defamatory comments be removed and that you receive compensation for your losses.

Paying For Court

Litigation is a time-and-money severe concern. In the course of business, it’s sometimes unavoidable. That’s where commercial insurance can help. Commercial insurance can help protect you from the cost of a lawsuit. If you’re a Fort Payne, AL business owner, contact Attain Insurance to learn more!

What Does Home Insurance Cover?

Home insurance covers damages from perils such as fire, lightning, vandalism, and wind. Other dangers such as earthquakes, floods, and hurricanes are covered by a combination of your home and auto insurance. 

While everyone needs insurance, not all types of insurance are suitable for everyone. Reach out at Attain Insurance in Fort Payne, AL to learn more.

What Much to Know  

Your home is generally not covered against earthquakes, floods, or tornadoes. If you live in an area prone to natural disasters, such as the West Coast, you may want to purchase a policy covering earthquakes, flooding, and wildfires. 

If your home is worth $150,000 and you have $5 million of artwork hanging on the wall, your home insurance won’t cover a fire that burns a single painting. If you buy a new car worth $50,000 that you later sell for $20,000, your possessions will likely be worth less than they were when you bought them. 

Depending on your situation, you may want to invest in additional coverage to protect your home from significant financial losses. This can be critical if you own a business or have large investments. While your home is likely to be your largest asset, you can protect it with various insurance options. 

Home insurance may also cover lost wages if your home is uninhabitable during a covered event and may insure certain events that are not covered by other types of insurance, such as earthquakes. 

The insurance can also cater to structural components of your home, including the main structure, foundations, floors, ceilings, and walls. It can include home contents such as furnishings, electronics, and other valuable items that would be difficult to replace if damaged or stolen. 

Key Takeaways 

A home is a large investment, so it is vital to have a home insurance policy that will cover the costs of repairing or replacing your home in the case of a covered loss. For consultations in Fort Payne, AL, contact Attain Insurance.

Common Auto Insurance Exclusions

Your auto insurance from Attain Insurance covers damage to your vehicle and liabilities when accused of bodily injury and property damage. However, you need to understand that your auto insurance doesn’t cover all risks under the sun. Knowing your auto insurance exclusions simplifies the claim process and helps you purchase “add-ons” to boost your auto insurance policy.

Here are the common auto insurance exclusions you need to know:

Business use

Do you use your vehicle to run business errands? Your claim is likely to be ignored if your car is involved in an accident while doing business-related operations. The only way you can mitigate this risk is by upgrading your standard auto insurance to commercial.

Personal items

Has your laptop been stolen from your car? Has your phone sustained damage during a car accident? Your typical auto insurance doesn’t cover loss or damage to your personal belongings. For such losses, you have to rely on your home or renters insurance. Plus, you can consider a personal items “add-on” in your car insurance to cover such risks.

Custom parts and equipment

Usually, typical auto insurance covers parts that are standard in your vehicle. For instance, if you have a built-in radio or GPS system, your insurance may repair or replace the item when calamities strike. However, custom equipment isn’t covered by your auto insurance. These include items like a detachable sound system, engine tune-ups, and custom-designed seats.

Racing events

Typical car insurance won’t cover damage and injuries sustained in racing and stunting events. However, you can purchase a “rider” to cover perils associated with these car events.

Driving outside the US

Your typical car insurance ceases to operate when you leave the US borders. For instance, if you have an accident with your car in Mexico, your standard auto insurance won’t cover the damage. As such, it’s wise to talk to your insurer when you want to drive outside the country.

Car insurance in Fort Payne, AL 

Looking for an affordable car insurance policy? Please get in touch with Attain Insurance, serving Fort Payne, AL and the surrounding regions.

4 Facts You Should Know About RV Insurance

If you are like one of the 11 million households in the US, your most cherished moments are when using your RV. You can tour every location of our beautiful country without the hassle of booking accommodation. But as you enjoy your RV, never leave home without RV insurance. RV insurance protects you, your loved ones, and the vehicle when the unexpected occurs.

Regrettably, understanding RV insurance can be challenging because it exhibits the characteristics of both a home and a vehicle. However, you don’t have to figure out RV insurance independently. Attain Insurance of Fort Payne, AL is here to guide you on RV insurance basics. Here are four facts you should know about home insurance.

It’s mandatory

Unless you are in New Hampshire or Virginia, all other states require you to purchase RV insurance, just as expected with your vehicle. However, it depends on the type of recreational vehicle. For instance, if you have a motorized RV like a motorhome, you must invest in RV insurance. However, towable RVs aren’t required to have RV insurance since the vehicle’s insurance covers them. But whether RV insurance is required or not, you can’t afford to do without it.

There are several RV insurance options.

When shopping for RV insurance, don’t expect one broad coverage to cover your risks. RV insurance is divided into several options — so you only buy coverage options that suit your needs.

RV insurance can cover full-timers.

RV insurance can be designed to cover you if you spend most of the time in your RV, just like home insurance does.

Consider RV insurance all year through

Are you using your RV part-time? The next thing you might think about is to cancel your policy when your RV is parked. However, this is a mistake since risks don’t have an off-season. Instead, consider RV insurance all year through for optimal coverage.

Do you need to invest in RV insurance in Fort Payne, AL? Please get in touch with Attain Insurance for affordable coverage.

What is Aviation Insurance, and What Does it Cover?

If you are into the aviation business, like any other business, you definitely need insurance. But what insurance coverage do you need? Attain Insurance in Fort Payne, AL, offers aviation insurance that covers businesses in the aircraft business.

What is aviation insurance?

As its name suggests, aviation insurance is a pivotal insurance policy if you own a plane. While this insurance isn’t mandatory in Alabama, it’s a must-have investment for anyone owning an aircraft, whether for commercial or private reasons.

What does aviation insurance cover?

The two main reasons to own aviation or aircraft insurance or to protect yourself against liability claims and to cushion your airplane from physical damage. Let’s look at the two areas in detail:

Liability coverage

Just like auto or boat insurance, this coverage covers you when accused of bodily injury or property damage. For instance, if your aircraft harms bystanders (and sometimes passengers, depending on your coverage), aircraft insurance comes to your rescue by covering medical expenses and legal charges when sued.

Similarly, aircraft insurance covers you when accused of property damage. For instance, if your vessel overruns the airway and crashes into someone’s property, this insurance coverage pays for the property damage. Since liability claims can be insanely expensive, you can’t afford to own an aircraft without liability coverage.

Physical damage

Like you would imagine, repairing an airplane doesn’t come cheap. For this reason, investing in insurance that covers repairs and even the replacement of your expensive toy shouldn’t be an option.

Aviation insurance in Fort Payne, AL 

While aircraft insurance isn’t mandatory in Alabama, this shouldn’t be an excuse to fail to invest in one. This crucial insurance plan protects you, your aircraft, and the crew when mishaps happen. If you would like to invest in this coverage, please get in touch with Attain Insurance to discuss your options.

Common Misconceptions Regarding Flood Insurance

Attain Insurance serves the Fort Payne, AL community, as well as the surrounding areas. We strive to help our clients find the coverage they need to protect what matters most. We have relationships with multiple carriers throughout the South. We will sit down with you and help you find a policy that aligns with your unique needs.

Common Misconceptions Regarding Flood Insurance

The South is well known for its inclement weather. As a Fort Payne, AL resident, you are aware that severe thunderstorms and possible tornadoes can move through the area at any moment. Consider the benefits of flood insurance. Flood insurance protects your property against potential damage caused by severe flooding. The policy also covers any possessions that suffer flood damage. Here are some common misconceptions to consider while you are researching flood insurance.

I Only Need Coverage If I Stay In A High-Risk Area

This is incorrect. While high-risk areas in a flood zone are prone to severe flooding on a regular basis, that doesn’t mean other parts of the state will never be impacted by flooding. As a Southern resident, flood insurance is an asset regardless of where you stay because of how unpredictable the weather is.

Only Homeowners Are Eligible To Receive Coverage

Flood insurance covers multiple types of property, including commercial structures, condos, and apartments. All of your personal items hold value, which is why flood insurance is a worthwhile investment regardless of where you are staying.

My Home Has Been Flooded, So I Have No Options

Remember that you can still acquire flood insurance even if your home has been flooded. Research the National Flood Insurance Program.

Attain Insurance Will Help You Protect Your Assets

Visit our website to learn more information about flood insurance.

A Brief Guide to Classic Car Insurance

If you’re driving on the road, you are generally required to have a certain amount of auto insurance, which is referred to as liability insurance. This insurance pays other motorists in the event you are found to be at fault for an accident. Unfortunately, liability coverage will not pay for repairing your vehicle. If you have a classic car, the repair costs can be exorbitant. For this reason, there is special insurance coverage for vintage vehicles. Attain Insurance, serving Fort Payne, AL, shares some information on how you can ensure your classic car is properly protected.

How Does a Classic Car Insurance Policy Work?

Auto insurance policies typically take into account the age, make, model, and depreciation when determining payouts. However, due to the fact that classic cars aren’t driven much and have been restored, depreciation won’t apply. Usually, these vehicles are worth more, meaning that you must work with your insurance agent to determine the value of the vehicle and ensure you will receive a sufficient payout if the time comes. Classic car insurance will usually pay for specialized spare parts, repairs, and even towing. 

How Do You Become Eligible for Classic Car Insurance?

In order to qualify for classic car insurance, your vehicle must be a certain age. For instance, most classic trucks, muscle cars, hotrods, and the like are eligible for this insurance. The vehicle cannot be a daily driver, and it should be in good condition. It must also be stored in a safe and secure area, which helps to reduce the risk of damage. You may also be required to agree that your vehicle will not be raced or driven a certain number of miles.

Are There Different Types of Insurance Available for Classic Cars?

The insurance type that you need will depend on the vehicle you are ensuring. Classic cars are referred to as a vehicle in good condition, restored, and somewhere between 19 and 24 years, generally. An antique car is usually older than 25 years. Modified cars will have significant modifications done to them that change their value considerably. Each type of vehicle will require a different type of insurance, and the requirements for each may vary from one insurance company to the next.

If you have a classic or antique car that you need to have insured, contact Attain Insurance, serving Fort Payne, AL, to obtain a classic car insurance quote. 

Types of RV insurance in Fort Payne, AL

RV ownership is at an all-time high.

Over 11 million U.S. households now own a recreational vehicle, according to Go RVing. In a 2021 study conducted by a market research firm, Go RVing concluded that this ownership has risen 26% over the last decade.

Attain Insurance wants to help you protect your investment. Serving Fort Payne, AL, the agency explains different motorhome options in order to find you the RV insurance coverage that’s right for you.

Fifth Wheels & Trailers

Since it doesn’t have a motor, towable trailers and RVs are typically less expensive to insure. Yet, this also means coverage is limited. While you may opt for full coverage or just liability, most accidents and other on-the-road issues are excluded. These would be part of your towing vehicle’s policy.


All motorized vehicles are not created equal. Based on size, cost, and quality, motorhomes are often categorized into one of three classes. Regardless of whether it’s a Class A, B, or C, motorhomes require the same insurance as other vehicles on the road. At minimum, this includes comprehensive and collision coverage. Liability should also be standard. At minimum, ensure any policy you choose has these protections.


If you live in a recreational vehicle, you are considered a "full-timer." This status calls for a specific type of insurance. These policies are often much more similar to homeowner’s or renter’s plans. If belongings are damaged, destroyed, lost, or stolen, personal protection kicks in. Loss of use is also important. This will repay any expenses incurred if you must temporarily relocate.

Find an agent in Fort Payne, AL

Attain Insurance is ready to help you hit the open road. Their professional agents are skilled at finding the right plan to protect you on your travels. Call today.